Saturday, October 18, 2008

Beyond Puke, About this Inpolitically Correct Narrative

America’s ONLY inpolitically correct narrative on the socio-economic and cultural reality.

A 15 year career criminal, ex-con, Vietnam vet, Heroin addict, Adult entertainer, Magazine publisher, and Advertising/Marketing expert, I know the Media's darkside....

I’m Tony Venuti, host of Beyond Puke. My experiences including time in City, County, State, and Federal Maximum Security prisons, surviving a chronically mentally ill father who kidnapped my brothers and me at an early age, and working in the adult entertainment industry have left me with rare insight.

I have felt very early on that I was destined to be “something”. I never took that thought very seriously- however, looking back, I can’t help to think that the totality of my experiences are so voluminous in variety as well as substance.

I have no axe to grind with some of the comments I shall make…so tune into Beyond Puke and see my desire to put my business on the line by going national with statemenets no one else dares to say. Inpolitically Correct, and Beyond Puke!


The MediaOcracy's false logic fails the TRUTH test! Arguing a point of view using generalizations in the abstract is fine, but that’s not what the M

Arguing a point of view using generalizations in the abstract is fine, but that’s not what the MediaOcracy does.

The MediaOcracy takes its generalizations and applies them to specific cases. Logicians call that using the Fallacy of Accident.

For instance, shooting someone is a crime, and in the course of duty sometimes police officers have to shoot dangerous people. The MediaOcracy would then jump to the false conclusion that any police officer who shoots a bad guy is, himself, a criminal!

They also make this logical mistake in reverse, which is called the Fallacy of Reverse Accident. The MediaOcracy would have you believe that because one police officer may have acted improperly, all our men and women in blue are bad.

What a load! It’s Beyond Puke!

The media’s lack of integrity drives it to spread these falsehoods across the broadcast and print outlets, and the Internet is even worse. This illogic spread by the MediaOcracy is accepted as fact by much of the American public. The media promote conflict by highlighting the negative and contentious.

Have you ever heard a news report telling you that all the flights into Phoenix landed safely today? Of course not! But if one plane goes down, the media scares the public into thinking such occurrences are commonplace. That’s the logical fallacy of “argumentum in terrorem," or appeal to fear.

Now we are seeing the self-appointed guardians of the realm training their man Obama to use their revolting tactic of wielding fear like a cudgel.

The same rules apply to our every day conversations. We all know someone who is always contrary, citing exceptions to the rule. If your friend tells you that, “Tax cuts are bad for business. I’m an accountant, and lower taxes mean fewer customers hiring me to save them on their taxes,” you are probably not going to call him on his fallacious reasoning. Your have “bought” the crap your friend is “selling."

The reason we do this is because the MediaOcracy, which most Americans have grown up surrounded by, has programmed us to be afraid of circumstances beyond our control, instead of inspiring Americans to reach higher, work harder and succeed despite adversity.

The America I love doesn’t focus on what it cannot do; it focuses on our incredible power and potential.

MediaOcracy Revealed, "Rules for Radicals"

Perhaps if I hurt someone I might get the attention that the new MediaOcracy,..the Socialist government that has be designed long term, using Olinski's test, "Rules for Radicals" as a blueprint for this new movement that was seeded with the BabyBoomers and the discontent that parents demonstrated towards their children as they went after the Jones...they didn't want to just Be one of the JONES...they wanted to be the most celebrated with the Gliberal Media's machine, while be puppeted by Wall Street and Corporate America..

Perhaps if I hurt someone someone will listen to me.

Please see
I think you will be intrigued...I need my story told....I need my unigue understanding of the Media's darkside told as only I understand it seems...and bottom line...I'm a con...Inpolitically correct is what I'm ( is all about.

I'm simply embarrassed.
I value words, without a higher education...just a higher mindset.
Not born from privlege, but PRIVILEGED to live in America.
We lost it...The last great generation, "graced" us with One DeGeneration after another, and soon on to a third. No turning back.

It’s the culture stupid!.
Thank you!

Media's Celebration of Media, err Mediocrity is on them.