Saturday, October 18, 2008

MediaOcracy Revealed, "Rules for Radicals"

Perhaps if I hurt someone I might get the attention that the new MediaOcracy,..the Socialist government that has be designed long term, using Olinski's test, "Rules for Radicals" as a blueprint for this new movement that was seeded with the BabyBoomers and the discontent that parents demonstrated towards their children as they went after the Jones...they didn't want to just Be one of the JONES...they wanted to be the most celebrated with the Gliberal Media's machine, while be puppeted by Wall Street and Corporate America..

Perhaps if I hurt someone someone will listen to me.

Please see
I think you will be intrigued...I need my story told....I need my unigue understanding of the Media's darkside told as only I understand it seems...and bottom line...I'm a con...Inpolitically correct is what I'm ( is all about.

I'm simply embarrassed.
I value words, without a higher education...just a higher mindset.
Not born from privlege, but PRIVILEGED to live in America.
We lost it...The last great generation, "graced" us with One DeGeneration after another, and soon on to a third. No turning back.

It’s the culture stupid!.
Thank you!

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